Making the Medium: Understanding the Foundation of Profitable Writing

Jen Son
2 min readAug 6, 2023

In today’s dynamic digital age, numerous platforms vie for our attention, promising fame, followers, and even fortune. Yet, amidst this clamor, Medium has emerged not just as another platform, but as a rewarding ecosystem for writers. Offering a unique blend of creativity with compensation, Medium’s commitment to quality content sets it apart. If you’re pondering the profitability of writing on Medium in 2023, look no further. We begin our journey by delving deep into the heart of Medium’s reward system: The Medium Partner Program.

**The Medium Partner Program: A Brief History**

In its early days, Medium was primarily an open platform, a space where anyone could share their stories, insights, and ideas. It wasn’t until later that the Medium Partner Program (MPP) was introduced, revolutionizing the way writers were compensated. Rather than relying on ads, which often disrupt the reading experience, Medium decided to reward writers based on reader engagement. This approach turned the traditional monetization model on its head.

**How Does the MPP Work?**

For those unacquainted, the Medium Partner Program pays writers based on the engagement their articles receive. But it’s not just about getting the most claps (Medium’s equivalent to a ‘like’). The metrics are more intricate:

1. **Reading Time**: One of the primary metrics is how long readers spend on your article. If they’re engaged, reading from start to finish, that’s a good sign. It means your content is resonating.

2. **Claps**: While claps are essential, they aren’t the end-all. However, a higher clap count often correlates with more significant appreciation and engagement.

3. **Member Engagement**: Medium places value on how engaged their paying members are with your content. It’s these members who contribute directly to your earnings. In simpler terms, if a Medium member spends more time on your articles compared to others, a portion of their membership fee goes to you.

**Balancing Your Audience**

While it’s beneficial to have Medium members engage with your content, there’s an often-overlooked aspect: diversifying your audience. If only Medium members read your work, you’re limited to the platform’s ecosystem. However, by promoting your articles outside of Medium, you can pull in external readers. And if these external readers decide to become Medium members after reading your content, the rewards can be significant.

In 2023, Medium’s algorithm continues to evolve, but the core principle remains the same: Rewarding quality, engaging content that resonates with readers. As we delve further into mastering Medium in the days to come, remember this foundational element. It’s not about chasing virality or manipulating metrics; it’s about genuine engagement and meaningful connections.

*Stay tuned as we navigate the nuances of Medium in our next segment, where we’ll explore the art and science of finding your niche. Dive into the world of targeted writing and discover how to resonate with your ideal audience. Until then, happy writing!*

